Onsite evaluation of the current spaces of
support around your
school. Includes an exploration of the library and other key community spaces
Staff consultation and
mindful professional learning to support a
clear and practical vision which will
assist staff and
support students.
Creation of a step-by-step action plan with key players to enable your school journey towards the development of a
dynamic and useful
All of our consultancy work employs a grounded, appreciative approach to systemic development in classrooms and schools; embedded in the philosophy and practice of creating contextual wellbeing. What this means for you. We understand that change and development require staff engagement and support; and we ensure that we garner staff enthusiasm for every step of our journey with you. We appreciate that your classroom and school context is unique, this means we work to support appreciative change and development with reference to your specific needs. We believe that well schools are systemically healthy. As such we believe that the best approach to supporting wellbeing in schools, is to create thriving school communities and contexts. We look forward to hearing from you The Positive Schools Team!!!
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